Flowers to the People, Right On
Spring 2023 CSA is FULL
Send me an email to get on the wait list
your choice: bunch or bucket
bunches include loose flowers, herbs and foliages, enough to fill a typical mason jar-sized vase. Bucket are full of loose flowers herbs and foliages, enough to fill a few small to medium sized vases.
Takoma Grown Flower CSA
Bunch and bucket pick up are every other Thursday afternoon, August through October, 2022
for a total of 6 pick ups. Dates are:
August 4 and 18
September 1, 15, and 29
October 13
Bunch share is $30 each (total of $180)
Bucket share is $55 each (total of $330)
Two pick up sites in Takoma Park MD.
For details and registration, email Bethany by clicking on the letter icon below.
Register by sending me an email
Just click on the letter icon and we can start talking flowers!
Spring 2022
Flower CSA
Locally grown lovelies are on their way!
send an email to get on the waiting list and to receive information about the Summer 2022 Flower CSA
Spring 2022 Flower CSA Sign Up Time!
Hard to believe but little tulip and anemone bulbs are in the cold ground right now,
waiting for a warm Spring day to make you happy.
You will want to be there when it happens!
Here is a gallery of some of the 2021 bunches that went out to happy Flower CSA members - as you can see they are filled with unusual, unexpected blooms, scented herbs and the kind of delicate flowers you’ll never find in a typical grocery store bunch. Organic, hyper local, drop-dead gorgeous. Just the way we like it.
Flowers To The People, Right On
Register by sending me an email - just click on the letter icon on the bottom left of this page! I look forward to talking to you soon!