Flowers Everyday

the gift you've always wanted, admit it

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Join Our 2018 Flower CSA!

 Look at what I have for you!

Local flowers from the wonderful flower farming team of Mark and Madgie McGaughan of M and M Plant in Comus Maryland.

Delivery pick up site in Takoma Park, MD or at the farm.

Twice monthly subscriptions available for the entire growing season - June through October, 2018.  

Click on the email link below (the little envelope) to request more information

 and we'll set you up for some everyday fabulousness.

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A bi-weekly bouquet

Bouquets - $200 for twice monthly deliveries of an arranged bouquet of seasonal flowers, enough to fill a medium sized vase or mason jar. June through October 2018


a Bi-weekly Bucket

Buckets - $350.00 for twice monthly deliveries of an un-arranged bucket of flowers and foliages - so you can enjoy creating your own arrangement. Enough flowers to fill several small to medium sized vases. June through October, 2018